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           At present our basic buyer is USA. We make for them birch lumber high quality. For definition of quality of our production we use standards and the rules of certification accepted in USA by the big association of manufacturers of wood - NHLA (National Hardwood Lumber Association) Such way was elected for the mutual understanding concerning problems with quality of our products.

           We specialize basically on production from wood of a birch. For this purpose you we carry out the program the BIRCH LINE. We prepare and buy only a qualitative fresh wood. Then we saw it during one week from the moment of preparation using the modern equipment allowing to make high quality saw-timber and lumbers with all required admissions and tolerances to the sizes.

           Our dryer kilns can dry up to 2000 m3 each month observing all modes and conditions necessary for a birch to use in the furniture industry. Our manufacture makes practically all line of woodproducts beginning from a lumber and finishing finished components for furniture construction and cabinet decoration, also FG EG S4S products.

             The knowledge of needs of the modern market in exclusive orders in due time allows us to be ready to changes of a situation with customers. If they require new kinds of production we always are ready to begin manufacture of new specifications for new clients.

            Also we have wide experience of sales to large wholesale buyers of our production. If you require the reliable supplier of qualitative production from a birch,   an aspen, a pine and a spruce the request to address to us.

Yours faithfully,





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